Executive Office of the Sudanese Community in Glasgow 2023-2025
Members of the Sudanese community in Glasgow. have elected 16 members to rule the community in the next two years. The new exec committee had meeting held on Sunday 16/07/2023 at the Sudanese Mosque for the formation of the new executive office, and the executive office was formed as follows:
1- Zuhair Jadallah Bakhit as Chief Executive Office
2- Mohamed Arko Adebo as Vice President
3- Ibrahim Majzoub Khalid Ali, Secretary General
4- Mubarak Issa Ahmed Deputy Secretary General
5- Mohammed Zakaria Abdullah, Treasurer
6- Almaden Ismail Deputy Financial Secretary
7- Nasir Hemeaty Ahmed Secretary of Information and External Relations
8- Al-Zain Mahmoud Mohamed Zain Deputy Media Secretary
9- Abdul Mahmoud Al-Tayeb Al-Bashir Social Secretary
10- Omar Yaqoub Suleiman, Deputy Social Secretary
11- Mustafa Mohamed Abkar as Secretary of Culture
12- Salama Othman Salameh, Deputy Cultural Secretary
13- Abu Bakr Abdul Aziz Yahya as a sports secretary
14- Abdul Aziz Haroun, Deputy Sports Secretary
15- Najat Awadallah Secretary of Women and Children.
Note :-
that the Executive Office was formed under the supervision and testimony of two members of the former Executive Office, namely former Secretary General Yasser Adam and former Financial Secretary Abdel Razek Mustafa. The handover meeting from the previous executive office will be held within a week and we will update you.

موفقين أن شاءالله اخوتي ونحن ندعمكم ماديا ومعنويا قدام بس
موفقين ان شاء الله ، سيروا وعين الله ت
Good job man